Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Symbols in The Visit

Add any comments that you weren't able to add to the seminar in class today.  Great discussion!!!


  1. I thought it was very interesting how we talked about how we talked about how Claire wasn’t over Ill. But when she came to Gullen she came with the assumption of revenge for the baby rather than to gain his love again. She chose to kill him rather than to further a relationship with him.
    I also found that the Black Panther represented Claire’s evil spirit. I found this through the connotation of black representing dark and dangerous, and a panther representing a sly sneaky animal. And the black panther enters the town to kind of sneak around town creating terror within the towns people also making them susceptible to Claire’s every move. I also found it very fascinating the connects to Ill and the Black panther in the play, how they are both almost susceptible to Claire’s actions.

  2. I felt the black panther represented Ill because it was Claire's nickname for Ill and the village had dehumanized Ill. The village tried to make him this horrible creature so it would be easier to kill someone that was their friend. The panther and Ill were both 'unhuman' and both were being hunted by the townspeople. Both had also been manipulated by Claire.

  3. Something I thought could be considered a symbol in the play was the balcony which I thought was a symbol of heirachy and power. Claire has power over Gullen because of her great wealth. The scene where Claire was on the balcony I thought was able to give this power a visual because I envisioned the balcony looking over all of Gullen which showed the hierarchical part of this because she is above the people of Gullen.

  4. Throughout The Visit I found three prominent symbols, the black panther, the train station, and the artificial limbs. All the symbols have different representations, but all lead to a theme of false morality, which determines what actions are justified, defines morality, and leads us to consider what justifications are morally correct or false. The black panther represents Ill because it was his nickname, and also foreshadows Ill's death. The train station is a symbol of morality and explains how individuals base their morality off of rationalizations and justifications for their actions. The artificial limbs represent Claire's mysterious side and her strength because of the multiple devastation's that have occurred in her life.
